Happy 4th of July Weekend!

usa-DalekTomorrow is the 239th anniversary of America’s declaration of independence from the United Kingdom, so what better image could sum up that historic occasion than a Dalek from the British TV series Doctor Who, decked out in the ole red, white, and blue? Errr…sure. Why not? (And no, it’s not a Photoshop job—this was an actual planned toy that never made it to final mass production. The things you find on the Internet, eh?)

Speaking of Doctor Who, check out this post and this post from November 2013, when, in celebration of the show’s 50th anniversary, I told of my experience in writing a Fourth Doctor short story for Doctor Who: Short Trips: Farewells, an anthology published by Big Finish Productions. Big Finish is the audio-drama company responsible for the continuing adventures of the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Doctors, who are played by the same actors who made those roles so memorable. As a longtime Whovian (going all the way back to its Tom Baker days), being able to contribute to the DW universe counts as one of my great nerd-bucket-list accomplishments.

Oh, and happy birthday, America!

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