Happy Doctor Who Comics Day!

doctor-who_the-four-doctors-1_variant-coverIn case you were unaware of it, today is Doctor Who Comics Day, a worldwide holiday invented just last year by Titan Comics, publisher of brand-new comics based on the incredible science-fiction television series that debuted in 1963; the comics star “NuWho” Doctors Nine (played by Christopher Eccleston), Ten (played by David Tenant), Eleven (played by Matt Smith) and Twelve (played by Peter Capaldi)—and soon “classic” Doctor #8 (played by Paul McGann). And, in Doctor Who: The Four Doctors, a special-event miniseries that launched just this week, Doctors Ten, Eleven, and Twelve meet up with their predecessor, the War Doctor, who was introduced in the show’s 50th anniversary special, The Day of the Doctor. (The War Doctor was played by award-winning actor John Hurt.)

Clever marketing, building a holiday around your company’s most popular characters, isn’t it? Maybe some year there’ll be a Pandora Zwieback Day! 😀

Short_Trips_FarewellsSpeaking of Doctor Who, I’ve been a major fan since my high school days. How long ago was that? you ask. Well, the Fourth, played by Tom Baker is my Doctor. You do the math… 😉 Anyway, check out this post and this post from November 2013, when, in celebration of the show’s 50th anniversary, I told of my experience in writing a Fourth Doctor short story for Doctor Who: Short Trips: Farewells, an anthology published by Big Finish Productions, the audio-drama company responsible for the continuing adventures of the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Doctors, who are played by the same actors who made those roles so memorable. As a longtime Whovian, being able to contribute to DW’s non-canon lore counts as one of my great nerd-bucket-list accomplishments.

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