The (New) Doctor Is In!

Capaldi-DoctorWhoToday’s the day when Doctor Who, the world’s longest-running science-fiction television series (51 years and counting), starts its new season (Series 8 for NuWho fans, Season 34 for old-timers like me) and introduces its latest leading man: the Twelfth Doctor, played by Academy Award–winning actor Peter Capaldi! After the likeable, energetic Doctor portrayed by his immediate predecessor, Matt Smith, I’m looking forward to what Capaldi—known for playing more subdued and sometimes volatile characters—brings to this incarnation of the time-traveling adventurer.

And speaking of Doctors past and present, it reminds me of two entries I posted back in November 2013, to mark the show’s fiftieth anniversary. In the first one I talked about how in 2005 I was contracted by audio drama company Big Finish Productions to write a short story for Doctor Who: Short Trips: Farewells, which they thought would be the last volume in their popular series of DW anthologies (it actually continued for a few more books after that). And in this follow-up post I talked about the process involved in writing the story, “Into the Silent Land” (which starred the Fourth Doctor, played by Tom Baker) and the positive responses it received. Go give ’em a read, and then get ready for the Doctor’s latest exciting TV adventure tonight!

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