A “Lost” Interview with SWC Publisher Steven A. Roman

Blood-Reign-FinalCvrIn August 2015, StarWarp Concepts’ owner, publisher, and main writer Steven A. Roman (that’s me!) did an interview with the writer-centric website Write a Revolution to promote SWC’s titles, particularly my dark-urban-fantasy novel Blood Reign: The Saga of Pandora Zwieback, Book 2. But as I recently discovered, both the interview and WaR’s website have disappeared from the Internet!

But fear not, ’Warp fans! If you head over to the Pandora Zwieback website right now, you can read part one of that four-part interview; parts two and three are scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday of this week, respectively, with the conclusion appearing next Monday. It’s a behind-the-scenes look at not just the creative process, but at some of the work that goes into putting together SWC’s critically acclaimed releases. Go give it a read!

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