Looking for Badass Vampires?

This coming Sunday, July 13th, marks the broadcast debut of FX’s The Strain, the new vampire television series based on the trilogy of horror novels by director Guillermo del Toro (Pacific Rim, Hellboy, Pan’s Labyrinth) and coauthor Chuck Hogan. This is no Twilight-y romance—this is a brutal, gory story of a vampiric infection that spreads like wildfire, and no one can stop it. Planning to watch it? We are! And if you’re into badass vampires like us, then allow me to introduce you to a couple of StarWarp Concepts titles you might be interested in:

carmilla_large_coverCarmilla: Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu’s 19th-century paranormal romance—often considered one of the first lesbian vampire stories—has served as inspiration for generations of horror and dark fantasy writers, from Bram Stoker (the vampire brides of Dracula) to Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter author Laurel K. Hamilton (who has described Carmilla as her all-time favorite vampire novel that she didn’t write). The tale of Carmilla and her intended victim/lover Laura is still a powerful one, even 123 years after its first publication.

Blood FeudBlood Feud: The Saga of Pandora Zwieback, Book 1: Teenaged Goth Pandora Zwieback, as well as her family and friends, get caught in the middle of a war among rival vampire clans seeking an ancient weapon—that just so happens to have been delivered to her dad’s horror museum. The battling houses are more Underworld than Anne Rice in terms of action, and the gun-toting, ravenous undead are as far from cute or romantic as one can get.

Visit each of the book’s product pages to place an order, and get started reading while you’re waiting for The Strain to debut!

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