Paint a Jedi, He Has…Yeesss!

sw-empireUnless you’ve been living in a cave this past year, you’re no doubt aware that yesterday saw the debut of Star Wars, Episode VII: The Force Awakens, the latest entry in the space-fantasy series that changed blockbuster movies—and science fiction fandom—forever.

But, you ask, why am I giving free publicity to a movie that doesn’t need it, here at ’Warp Central? Because SWC’s artistic legend, Bob Larkin, painted the covers for a few Star Wars–related projects!

What you see here is the cover of Marvel Super Special #16, the Marvel Comics adaptation (by writer Archie Goodwin and artists Al Williamson and Carlos Garzon) of 1980’s Star Wars sequel, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. If you were a Star Wars fan at the time, you probably recognize Bob’s magnificent painting—it was certainly reprinted enough times back then, on numerous reformatted versions of the comic (for example, a supersized treasury edition, a mass-market paperback, and a hardcover British Star Wars Annual). It still looks great, even thirty-five years later! (Click on it to see it in all its sci-fi glory.)

The Bob Larkin SketchbookBy the way, science fiction comic book fans, have you purchased a copy of The Bob Larkin Sketchbook? If not, you’re missing out on spectacular pencil drawings of Nova (from GotG’s Nova Corps), the X-Men, the Hulk, and a host of other characters by the talented Mr. Larkin. It’s 24 pages of artistic goodness, available in print and digital formats exclusively from the StarWarp Concepts webstore. Visit the Bob Larkin Sketchbook product page for all the ordering information, as well as sample pages.

And may the Force be with you!

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