SWC Ebooks Now Available Through Walmart

Walmart-ebook-phoneHey, e-book fans! As you might have heard, on August 22 superstore retail chain Walmart announced the launch of its new e-book store in a partnership with Kobo, the e-tailer and e-reader company that’s been seeking over the years to upend Amazon’s e-book dominance—and with Barnes & Noble recently stealth-eliminating its Nook kiosks and incorporating the devices into their customer service area, it looks like this might be Kobo’s best time to try and play King of the Hill with Amazon…although that’s a mighty big hill to climb.

So what does all this have to do with StarWarp Concepts? Well, through our e-book distributor, Smashwords, our titles have been available to Kobo readers since 2011—and now that Kobo is linked to Walmart, that means our books are also available to the superstore’s customers.

Well, the ones who buy Kobo devices at their local Walmart, that is…

If you have a Walmart account and purchase a Kobo, you’ll be able to take advantage of Kobo’s backlist to order yourself some quality SWC titles like The Saga of Pandora Zwieback and Richard C. White’s fantasy adventures. So get to it!

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