The Formidables 5 Now On Sale!

Formidables5-cvrHey, comic fans! The fifth issue of The Formidables, the superhero series that I’ve been involved with as editor, is now on sale at online comics distributor IndyPlanet!

Created by writer/artist Chris Malgrain (my artistic collaborator on the 2005 Stan Lee comic project Stan Lee’s Alexa) through his Oniric Comics company, the Formidables are a quintet of superheroes battling evil and bigotry in 1950s America, with their first challenge having come in the form of a Communist super-villain…who’s disguised as a white supremacist! It’s a unique take on the genre, with Chris examining topics like race relations and sexual identity in a Cold War setting, with an appropriate amount of punching and explosions mixed in, of course—we are talking superhero comics, after all!

With issue 5, the series starts a new story arc with “The Truth Shall Set You Free,” in which the Formidables and the many other superheroes of the Oniric Universe encounter The Maker, a giant traveler from outer space who’s come to warn the Earth that evil forces have gathered to destroy the planet. But is he here to help…or just complicate matters?

(By the way, with this issue I officially take over as the series’ scripter, working from Chris’s notes and final art. With Chris on art and plot, and me writing the dialogue and captions, you couldn’t find a more Marvel-style collaboration outside the halls of the House of Ideas itself!)

The Formidables #5 is available for $3.99 in print and 99¢ as a digital download, so head over to its product page at IndyPlanet to order a copy. And while you’re at it, be sure to purchase The Formidables #1–4 (also available at IndyPlanet), so you can catch-up on all the fun!

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