Visions of Lorelei: Mark Beachum

Continuing Visions of Lorelei, a 13-part artistic event that celebrates the recent publication of Lorelei: Sects and the City, a Mature Readers graphic novel that reintroduces the soul-stealing succubus.

Today we feature the talents of Mark Beachum, whose work in adult comics has made him a much-sought-after artist. Back when this piece was done, however, he was just making news as the latest artist to take over one of Marvel Comics’ bestselling series, Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man. His lithe, loose-limbed web-slinger—then sporting the all-black, alien symbiote costume that later became the super-villain Venom (long story)—brought a dynamic, indie quality to what was a typical superhero comic, but it was his women that were the title’s real draw (pardon the pun). Every one of them had supermodel looks, even the mousy girl in the downstairs apartment, and every one of them didn’t so much as stand or sit but pose like they were working a runway. Mary-Jane Watson hadn’t looked so good in years!  😉

Anyway, I was making my way through the artist-alley crowds at another New York convention and as I was passing an empty table a guy arrived and started setting up house. I stopped as he opened his portfolio and placed it on the table.

“Are you Mark Beachum?” I asked. (Stupid question; it was pretty obvious he was.) He said yes. “I didn’t see you on the artist list.” Otherwise, y’know, I would’ve added him to mine.

“I wasn’t supposed to be here, but Mike Bair [another artist] talked me into it.”

“Are you . . . doing any sketches?”

“Sure. What’d you have in mind?”

I showed him my Lorelei minicomic (yes, the one with the Tom Sutton cover—it got a lot of use back then). He said to come back in an hour, which I did—and was blown away by a version of Lori presented in a fashion-sketch style. With ink washes, yet!

Was that worth the wait, or what?

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