’Warp Artist Eliseu Gouveia Gets Much-Deserved Recognition

From May 10 to June 26 of this year, the city of Beja, Portugal, celebrated its eighth annual International Comics Festival—and ’Warp characters Pandora Zwieback and Lorelei both made appearances in an art gallery exhibition at the festival that celebrated the work of the incomparable Eliseu “Zeu” Gouveia!

Around here you know him as the talented artist of the illustrated classics Carmilla and A Princess of Mars, the free comic book The Saga of Pandora Zwieback #0, and the forthcoming graphic novel Lorelei: Sects and the City, but Zeu’s been in the comics game longer than that—as you can see here:

From left to right: Image Comics’ graphic novel Cloudburst; Moonstone Comics’ The Phantom #26; Strange Matter’s Project ElOhIm #2; General Jinjur’s graphic novel Charlatan: Preludes; Project ElOhIm #3; SWC’s The Saga of Pandora Zwieback #0 (yay, Pan!); and Moonstone’s Infiniteens #2, a teen superhero adventure created, written, and drawn by Zeu. And that’s just a tiny portion of his artistic output!

And here’s the man himself, proudly showing off a framed page from Lorelei: Sects and the City! Go ahead and embiggen the photo to get a good look. No, I’m not going to tell you what’s going on in that sequence—you’ll have to read the graphic novel to find out. I will say, though, that things don’t look good for our red-haired succubus…


And hanging right beside that Sects sample was a page from Lorelei: Building the Perfect Beast, the in-the-works graphic novel that will explain Lori’s origin in full detail. What you see here is a scene focusing on Jasmine, Lori’s African-American roommate (and exotic dancer), who’s answering a casting call for a TV commercial. I think it’s pretty clear by now that Zeu really enjoys drawing beautiful women…  😀

Congratulations to Zeu on this milestone in his career—he certainly deserves the accolades. And thanks to photographer Amilcar “SuperMike” Marroquim for providing the photos!

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