StarWarp Spotlight On: Heroines and Heroes

heroines_large_coverWelcome back to StarWarp Spotlight, a series of posts that runs each Monday to shine a spotlight on one of our titles, as a reminder of the awesome books and comics we publish and to introduce new SWC fans to our backlist.

This week, we look at a free digital-exclusive comic that features stories and art by yours truly…

Heroines and Heroes is a collection of comic stories and pinups all drawn by me, dating back to my days in the early 1990s small-press movement—that age of dinosaurs in which creators like me used to make our comics by printing them out on photocopiers and then stapling them by hand. In H&H you’ll find mainstream heroes and small-press heroines, and even a couple of anthropomorphic bikers.

Leading off is “V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N (in the Summertime),” a three-page Wonder Woman vs. Classic Harley Quinn story that I wrote in the late ’90s as a sample for a DC Comics editor who thought I’d be a good fit for their Batman: The Animated Seriescomic (it didn’t work out). If you enjoyed Wonder Woman, or are a fan of Harley’s appearances in her recent animated series as well as the movies Suicide Squad and Birds of Prey (and the Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)—plus the upcoming The Suicide Squad—then see what happens when they cross paths!

It’s followed by:

  • Dirty Laundry”: an eight-page adventure I wrote starring small-presser Jeff Wood’s rabbit-eared superspy, Snowbuni
  • Motorbike Puppies: three pages that I drew (but didn’t write) from an extremely short-lived (as in, all of two issues) 1990s indie comic about an anthropomorphic group of dog-headed bikers that was published by a company called Dark Zulu Lies
  • I Was a Super-Powered Vampire Slayer!”: a four-page adventure I wrote of the indie superheroine The Blonde Avenger, who starred in a series of comics in the 1990s published by and starring spokesmodel Cindy Johns. In this story, BA attends a comic book convention and runs into what she thinks is a vampire preying on the fanboys!

Heroines and Heroes is available as a free digital exclusive. Visit its product page for ordering information and sample pages.

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