Author Richard C. White at MystiCon 2020

Rich-New-PicThis coming weekend, science fiction and fantasy fans will be gathering at MystiCon, being held at the Holiday Inn Tanglewood in Roanoke, Viriginia. And among the guests in attendance will be author Richard C. White, who’ll be there to promote his latest projects.

Rich, as SWC fans should know by now, is the bestselling author of the licensed novel Gauntlet: Dark Legacy: Paths of Evil, as well as an ever-growing list of titles published by SWC: the novel Harbinger of Darkness; the fantasy-adventure story collection For a Few Gold Pieces More; the writers and gamemasters aid Terra Incognito: A Guide to Building the Worlds of Your Imagination; the supernatural-superhero graphic novel Troubleshooters, Incorporated: Night Stalkings; and the pirate-adventure digital comic The Chronicles of the Sea Dragon Special.

Chasing-Danger_large_book_coverRich’s most recent SWC release is the dark-fantasy noir collection Chasing Danger: The Case Files of Theron Chase, in which the titular private eye takes on a quartet of supernatural cases—think Raymond Chandler’s Philip Marlowe mixed with Lev Grossman’s The Magicians. Here’s the back cover copy:

Calasia: it’s a big town with big problems. Murder, thievery, extortion, corruption, magic, and monsters—just ask any native here: this ain’t a burg for the faint of heart. You don’t live in Calasia, you survive it.

Theron Chase walks these mean streets with a sap in one hand and a .45 in the other. Story is he used to be a hell of a cop in these parts—until his partner got dead in a hurry years ago. Now he makes a living as a private eye, offering his services to one and all while trying to stay on the good side of his secretary, a dishy-looking fae name of Kyra Sylvari. Ogres, werewolves, crime bosses, mages—as long as your money’s good and no one’s looking to turn him into a dead man (walking or otherwise), odds are he’ll be able to solve your problem.

Just don’t ask him to handle any magic-related items—he’s about as adept with the arcane arts as a troll in a knitting circle.

In this collection you’ll find four of Chase’s bizarre cases. From a sexy chanteuse who literally turns into a beast when the moon is full to a string of pearls that kills its owners, and from the ghost of a dead woman seeking justice to the Grim Reaper’s little girl seeking her stolen chicken, Theron Chase certainly has his hands full—of danger, death, and dames!

Chasing Danger: The Case Files of Theron Chase is available in print and digital formats, so visit its product page for ordering information.

MystiCon runs February 28–March 1. Rich will be selling copies of his books, so be sure to stop by his table in the vendors’ room to pick them up. For more information on the convention, visit the MystiCon website.

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